New Student Orientation

Welcome to San Antonio College!

新生入学指导(NSO)是所有大学新生和转校生的强制性要求,转校生转学学分少于7个小时. NSO ensures that students are aware of campus resources, student support services, campus safety, and the different ways they can engage on campus. NSO还包括一个小组咨询(GA)会议,您将在那里注册课程.

NSO is required for:

  • 首次入读大学的学生(从未上过学院或大学).
  • 已转入SAC的学时不足7学时的转校生.
  • Dual Credit students are not exempt from NSO.

NSO exceptions

  • Returning/former students
  • Transfer students with more than 7 transferred credit hours
  • 临时学生(那些注册的目的是获得学分,而不是从SAC获得学位或证书的学生)

Note: If you wish to attend an orientation, please contact

Step 1: Complete Enrollment Checklist

All enrollment steps must be completed before attending an NSO.

Enrollment Checklist

Contact your Certified Enrollment Coach for questions about the checklist.

Step 2: Sign up for New Student Orientation

Note: SAC NSO is only available for SAC students.

Register for NSO

Step 3: Check Student Email for Confirmation

Note: Once you RSVP for NSO, 您将在2-3个工作日内收到一封确认电子邮件,其中包含NSO团队的详细信息.


Is NSO mandatory?

Yes. NSO是所有FTIC学生和转学学生的强制性入学步骤,转学到SAC的学生少于7个学分.

Who is exempt from NSO?
  • Returning/former students
  • Transient students
  • Transfers that have more than 7 credit hours that have transferred over to SAC.
Can I bring guests?

虽然我们希望你能带一位客人,但座位有限. The seats are reserved for our new first time college students.

What should I bring to NSO?

Nothing. Just your enthusiasm and positivity!

Can I just show up to NSO without signing-up?

No. Space is limited for each session. 不幸的是,我们无法容纳那些没有预约的学生. Students who failed to RSVP to NSO, have not been pre-screened, therefore are unable to register for classes during NSO.

I may arrive late or need to leave my session early. Do I have to attend the entire session?

Yes. 您需要准时到达并参加整个课程,以成功完成NSO要求. If you have prior commitments, please reschedule.

I did not receive my confirmation email for NSO. Who do I contact?

Yes. 您将在NSO之后的小组咨询会议期间注册.

Will I register for classes during NSO?

Yes. 您将在NSO演示完成后的小组建议部分注册.

Will lunch be provided?

No. 不过,我们现场有咖啡厅/自助餐厅,只收信用卡(不收现金)。. We also have vending machines in our building. 我们也非常欢迎您携带自己的食物和饮料进入NSO房间.

If I need to cancel/reschedule NSO, what do I do?

There is no way to cancel your NSO. If you cannot make it and wish to reschedule, 回到阿拉莫体验中心,再报名参加一个NSO课程.

How do I sign-up for online NSO?

您将以与面对面培训相同的方式注册在线培训. 唯一的区别是NSO工作人员将筛选您的学生记录,并手动将您添加到Canvas的在线培训中. NSO工作人员将在1 - 2天内给您发电子邮件,说明如何在Canvas中访问在线定向.

Does online orientation have a certain start date?

No. Online orientation is continuously being offered. 忽略在线培训提供的日期,因为它整个月都开放注册.

What is Group Advising (GA)?

小组咨询是一个注册会话,以小组形式进行. 在您注册课程时,顾问和工作人员可以为您提供支持并回答您的问题. This will occur after the NSO presentation.

Can I bring guests into the lab when I am ready to register?

No. 这是一个计算机实验室,因此,这个座位只给注册的学生. Guests will be required to wait in the lobby.

When will I meet with an Academic Advisor?

在GA期间,您将得到一组顾问和工作人员的帮助. After GA, 您将在学期的人口普查日期前收到指定的学术顾问(查看学历)。. 您可以在您的ACES帐户下的“MY PAGE” tab by the census date.

Can I just show up to the GA portion of the NSO?

No. 你必须在规定的时间内参加NSO,然后工作人员将帮助你进入GA会议.


Yes. Please check the email address you used.

How can I change my major during NSO?

You can change your major the day of GA.

General FAQs

What if I need interpreter services?

澳门新葡京博彩的口译服务在教室和实验室为聋人或重听学生提供口译服务. The Interpreting Services manages, 协调为新生提供口译服务和入职服务.

For more information, please email

What if I need accommodations for my NSO/GA?

Please contact our disABILITY Support Services at or call (210) 486-0020.

Where can I park?

欢迎您在我们的停车场或停车场的任何开放(合法)位置免费停车. A parking permit is not required. 查看您的确认邮件,以确定您的迎新活动将在哪里举行.

Campus Map